Golden Fox with System

308 Chapter 308

Despite his heart beating at an enormous speed, Theo\'s expression was ferocious!

His aura began to expand itself and caused even Mizuki to move away. Instinctively, Mei Zong\'s griffin, Tifa, moved away very quickly carrying her master.

"Good girl." Mei Zong replied to her action and patted the top of Tifa\'s head, wanting to reassure her.

Tifa, who was shaking a little with fear after moving as far away from Theo as possible, began to relax at the touch on her head. "Thank you, Master."

\'How could Theo be this powerful, if he\'s not even in the Spiritual Realm?\' Mizuki asked in her mind. It was shocking for her to try to understand why she felt this sense of fear and dread even though she was a dragon in the Spiritual Realm. Theo\'s powerful aura was abnormally disturbing.

Even for Mei Zong, who didn\'t have any kind of that animal lineage felt a shackle in her skin, Although it wasn\'t the same feeling that Tifa felt.

Theo made his aura rise to its peak at the same time his illusions were surrounding the whole event at full greatness. He slightly left the appearance of the Celestial Tribulation almost identical to the original, only changing some aspects of the elementary Chinese Dragon.

The Chinese Dragon gave Theo a resemblance of the old myths he knew in his past life. He raised the elementary parts through his illusions and modified the dragon\'s look. As in the stories of myths, the beast got several verdant red and yellow details upon the skin.

More than 20 km away from the earth, the dark sky started to vibrate as the Dragon began to descend. With an alarming speed, the laws of sound were opposed. The dragon\'s acceleration made him travel at least 5 to 8 km in a moment.

It was even faster than Theo at his top speed. He didn\'t even have time to be surprised, though his eyes blinked even faster when changing colors and not losing focus, preparing to counterattack. Even Theo at his top speed couldn\'t match that. The time was too short for him to be surprised, and all his attention was needed, but was enough to prepare a counterattack with a blink of his divine eyes.

Supersonic explosions were caused by the amazing momentum that the dragon descended from the sky. Theo was only able to keep up with the dragon\'s speed thanks to his golden crimson eyes.

The speed was still the same through Theo\'s illusions. because of that, Mizuki and Mei Zong were able to "see" a glimpse of the dragon descending from the sky. Seeing the surprising speed, Mei was speechless.

Mizuki had already given up on comparing Theo\'s situation with the one she went through centuries ago. The last attack she received when going through Celestial Tribulation wasn\'t even close in power as the second blow Theo was about to receive.

With his Divine Eyes, Theo acknowledged the right time to intercept the dragon. He then gave the command for 9 of his tails, preventing the attack from reaching him.

The tails looked like nine golden clenched hands out from behind Theo and headed towards the Elementary Chinese Dragon.


The encounter made the sky crack like glass in disturbance. The windrage caused by the impact destroyed the entire environment around them. All the surface within a radius of 5km were turned into dust, and the protection Theo gave to the girls was the only thing it could protect them.

Mei and Tifa were thrown away by the intense windrage, even though they were at least 8 km away from the impact. On the other hand, the thrust of the wind wasn\'t capable of affecting Mizuki, who stood in the air without moving an inch.

What Mei, Tifa, and Mizuki saw next was the dragon crashing into Theo\'s body and throwing a second attack, as he stepped back. but just like the first time, Theo started to devour the elementary Chinese Dragon with his last tail.

Theo survived the second attack. By the moment that Celestial Tribulation lost its attack, Theo closed his eyes for meditation.

Behind the illusion made by Theo was a pillar of multicolored light on top of his head absorbing the essence of the Celestial Tribulation\'s energy. Theo\'s group were all screaming in pain due its powerful energy since it began. The amount of energy was too much to bear, but the agonizing feeling was worth it. Their cultivation was climbing mountains of levels and crossing barriers.

The Superior Wizard Realm was finally entered after a few minutes, but time was short. The occasion wasn\'t of celebration, seeing that the Celestial Tribulation showed no signs of dissipation even after 30 minutes.

Theo\'s body was filled with the energy of Celestial Tribulation\'s essence like a circuit flowing power through all possible connections. His bones and organs were embracing the sensation at their limits.

The current attack power is so great that he would be able to destroy a small town of 50,000 km² just by flicking one of his tails. If he tried to destroy a large city, he would not need to use so much effort in his current state.


[48,511,664 lineage cells filled.]

[Earth Affinity Became: - False Heavenly Earth Level 1.]

[Metal Affinity Became: - Divine Metal Level 1.]

[Water Affinity Became - Divine Water Level 1.]

[Affinity of False Skywind: - changed to; Level 3.]

[Affinity of the False Light Divine - changed to; Level 2.]

[Lightning G-7: changed to: - Lightning G-7 high advance.]

[Darkness V-8: Changed to - Darkness V-9.]


Theo was surprised by the large amount of numbers appearing in front of him.

"Huh?" Theo raised his eyebrows when a crowning sensation started to awake within him. He closed his eyes and received a new statement.


[Congratulations! You have reached 200,000,000 lineage cells.]

[Congratulations! Your Royal Lineage has evolved.]

[Royal lineage evolved into - Bestial King.]


Mizuki, who had a great vision, saw the changes happening in Theo and was surprised to see the four letters that appear on Theo\'s forehead, it was simple but at the same time, they carried weight. The word that was written was: "[King]"

A strong desire invaded Mizuki\'s body to kneel in front of Theo\'s presence, she could barely fight against this desire that consumes her. She moved further away to get out of his reach.

Mizuki, on the other hand, was not so lucky, the griffin Tifa lost total control of her body and started to descend from the sky.

"What happened, Tifa... why are you coming down? Hey, answer me, Tifa!!" As loud as Mei Zong tried to communicate with Tifa, it was useless, she continued to descend until she reached the floor and bowed towards Theo, without daring to raise her head.

Edited by: Eluna.

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