Debauchery of a Soul-Eating Wraith

Chapter 24: But That’s Just The Thing...

Chapter 24: But That’s Just The Thing...

Evian crossed territorial borders in about twenty minutes just by running and once he arrived at the Larnak Territory, it wasn\'t hard to find his way to the Larnak Estate.

Not only was it the largest collection of buildings around, but it was also where the Guards were most stationed which was saying something considering just how much of them was out patrolling.

As a method of deterrence and intimidation, the Guards all had the Pressure of their Orders out. Seeing as the pressure was either at the Second or the Third Order, Evian wasn\'t deterred or intimidated.

To help further along the message they were the upholders of authority, the Guards all had on similar-looking uniforms that only had differences pertaining to Order. Evian guessed this on account of the Pressure he could feel from them; Those at the Second Order had different markings from those at the Third and held themselves in much lesser regard.

The Guards at the Larnak Estate Gates were all at the Second Order. Evidenced by their pressure and the markings on their uniform. If Evian wanted, he was sure he could kill them all and simply waltz through the front Gates but what would be the point?

\'Kill them and reinforcement will arrive and make things all the more complicated. Let\'s focus on having that little talk first.\' Evian told himself.

"Who are you?" asked one of the Guards while they all looked Evian up and down, taking note of his hair and eyes as well as his handsome face that was quickly filling them with envy.

"Evian Stygian,"

"Of the Stygian Estate?" one Guard asked, his envy switching to awe.

"The very same,"

"You don\'t look like a Stygian," another said with his eyes focused on Evian\'s grey eyes and hair.

"What business do you have here?" asked a third.

"I want to speak to Lord Larnak,"

"The Lord is a busy man."

"Oh, I\'m sure he is but he\'ll want to see me," Evian said.

\'Surely, if the person you failed to kidnap shows up at your Gates on a silver platter, you\'ll give them an audience.\' Evian added in his mind.

After a quick exchange of looks, one guard broke away from the bunch to slink into the Estate grounds and confirm that Evian\'s presence was indeed welcome.

Two minutes later, a feminine voice came from behind the Gates,

"Let him in!"

The Gates opened enough to allow Evian\'s entry and behind them was the Guard that had left and around him was an entourage of his colleagues all led by a Lady who Evian guessed was a Captain.

Her uniform was different from the rest and not just because it had been made to accommodate her breasts. The hat she had on, as well as her uniform in general, had unique markings and the way the Guards around her deferred to her spoke of a certain level of authoritarian hold.

The pressure she was giving off we well past the Third Order and comfortably seated at the Fourth. She even appeared quite a few steps along in the Fourth Order in fact.

"Captain!" the Guards at the Gates said as they saluted. The Lady ignored them.

Her eyes were only on Evian who met her stare with one of his own while a smile played at his lips.

"Evian Stygian- Not really how I pictured you," The Captain said standing a foot shorter than Evian. She looked like she recognized Evian well enough. The changes he appeared to have gone through only threw her off slightly.

"Dare I ask? Which one do you prefer?" Evian asked with a charming smile.

Delicate lines formed on the Captain\'s forehead as she frowned.

"\'Prefer?\' Why would I have a favorable opinion about a scumbag who stole from my Lord?"

The Captian kept her eyes on Evian but her next words were orders to the Guards with her.

"Inspect the grounds and alert the Patrolling Squad. Anyone you see acting suspicious, kill them!"

Evian would have flinched at the coldness of her tone if he wasn\'t already getting quite comfortable with the concept of killing and death.

"Don\'t bother," He told the Captain, "I came alone,"

The Captain smirked.

"Then you\'re either foolish or stupid,"

"Those are synonyms." Evan pointed out, "They mean the same thing,"

The Captain let out a small grunt of annoyance before she laid her eyes on the Larnak Estate guards she had come with.

"What are you still waiting for, go on!"

"Should- should we still search?" one of them asked as his eyes kept darting over to Evian, "He said he came alone,"

The Captain pursed her lips with her eyebrows locked in a deep frown,

"You will pay heed to the words of a thief? Get Going!"

This time she followed up her order with a wave of pressure that smacked into the Guards and spurred them to finally get on with the search.

Once they were all gone in a tight formation, the Captain turned and started walking towards the main Estate grounds.

"Come with me. The Lord is expecting you," she said to Evian who followed her.

He had half expected to be bound by something but was very glad he wasn\'t. That would make it easier to make a getaway when needed.

\'She must think she\'s enough to contain me," Evian realized as he walked behind the Captain.

They walked five steps before the Captain regarded him with annoyance. She could feel Evian\'s eyes on a certain area of her back.

"Walk by my side!"

"What for?" Evian asked with a small chuckle, "The view is better from back here,"

"Get over here!" she said raising her voice a tad and letting out a small wave of pressure.

Evian stealthily shielded himself effectively with Eldritch and then he rolled his eyes.

"Alright, fine," he said.

The moment he had taken two steps by the Captain\'s side, he looked to the side at her,

"So, what\'s your name?"

"Spare the pleasantries." The Captain said with a scoff.

Evian shrugged.

"Alright then, I\'ll just give you one; Fussy. Captain Fussy."

"\'Captain Fussy?\'" the Captain repeated with a raised brow.

"Yeah. \'Cause you\'re stuck-up."

"Stuck up? You are part of a Resistance that wants to unseat my Lord.

You stole Tax funds!

You stole his Family heirloom!"

"Hey, better his family heirloom than his Family jewels, am I right?"

"You think that\'s funny?"

"Yes, I do, Captain Fussy. I think it was quite clever,"

"Amira!" The Captain blurted out, "My name is Amira. Captain Amira!"

Evian raised a brow and smirked

"Oh, now you want to exchange \'Pleasantries\'?"

Captain Fussy rolled her eyes so Evian continued.

"Amira. Pretty name. I\'ll still call you Fussy though,"

"Ugh," Amira said and then let out a sigh of relief as they turned into a corridor and arrived in front of a large door with guards positioned by the sides and standing at attention,

"We\'re here."

The doors opened to a room lit with lamps now that nighttime was approaching. The furniture placement was sparse. Only one piece of furniture mattered though; The chair at the very end that was occupied by a man who lounged grandly in it.

The man looked to be in his mid-forties. His physique did not look as large as Lord Stygians but he was as fit as Evian would have expected him to be. It was hard to gauge his height seated as he was but Evian guessed he was well past Six feet.

Lord Larnak had a light beard, the same shade of almond as his hair, and his amber eyes were flaming with fury when they laid on Evian\'s face.

"My Lord." Amira presented, "Evian Stygian,"

Lord Larnak was quiet as Amira walked forward with Evian at her side but once Evian was only a few feet away from his chair, the Man\'s face contorted in a deep frown.

For five minutes, no one said a word.

Evian just kept his smile and tapped his thighs nonchalantly, determined not to speak first.

Lord Larnak observed him. Body proportions were off compared to what he recognized, and the hair and eyes were also different but without a doubt, the one standing before him was Evian Stygian.

"So," Lord Larnak said slowly, "Come to turn yourself in?"

Evian shook his head.

"No, I came to tell you, It was tactless of you to try capturing me."

"Tactless?" Lord Larnak repeated- His tone deep. A sign of his seething rage.

Evian appeared unbothered and nodded.

"Yes, tactless. You could have just invited me over. That would have been the polite thing to do, don\'t you think?" he said with a shrug.

"I don\'t owe you any courtesy after what you did." Lord Larnak said with a low growl.

"Ah, but that\'s just the thing. What proof is there that I even did what you said I did?" Evian asked.

Lord Larnak\'s pressure erupted.

"Proof?!" he yelled, "YOU DARE MOCK ME?!"

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone rapped on the large doors. The sound of the knocks sounded strange on account of the intensity currently in the room.

Lord Larnak\'s anger propelled toward the door as he roared at it,


"Th-Th- The Witch is here," the one behind the door stammered.

Lord Larnak paused and then sighed.

"Finally. Let her in,"

Evian\'s brows furrowed and he turned his head to stare at the door.

\'The Witch?\' he wondered in his mind as the doors opened and a tall lady, dressed in black with a revealing neckline, walked into the room elegantly.

Evian recognized her immediately.


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