
Chapter 311 The Team's Quest

Lee Seng entered the room, giving the guy a small bow as he quickly took a seat.

"Who\'d you talk to?" Ritsuka whispered as the guy entered the room after Lee Seng.

"Oh, no one in particular." Lee Seng smiled. He took a sip of his coffee as the door closed.

"Alright, everyone." The man in the suit spoke up. He moved over to the front of the room where there was a large white board. The holographic screen appeared behind him as stood at attention in front of the students.

"My name is Zane Crane. I\'ll be in charge of you guys while you\'re here. I\'ll run by the quest the Guild wants you to do. If you have any questions while you\'re here, please direct them to me." Zane introduced himself. Everyone waved or bowed at Zane as he stepped off to the side. "You all must be wondering what Guild you got with, so I\'ll go through the usual pleasantries first and we can get into the quest, alright?"

"Alright." The group nodded. Lee Seng took another sip of his coffee as the holographic screen changed.

"Welcome to Penumbra." Zane greeted them all. "We\'re glad to take in Academy students during their field assessment. Like you were briefed on, you\'ll be in the hands of Penumbra. If you have questions throughout your stay here, don\'t hesitate to come to anyone behind the desk or me for questions." The screen changed to the next slide.

"Like I introduced before, I\'m Zane Crane. I\'m one of the Human Resources Guild Managers at Penumbra." The screen changed to the next slide. "Penumbra was created by our CEO, Akio Kato aka Number 10. Penumbra has gained attraction to a lot of people because of our CEO\'s popularity and credibility as one of the Original Numbers. We\'re glad that we could partner with the Academy to show you what it\'s like to do Guild work.For the duration of our relationship, you\'ll treat it as if you\'re a third party under the Academy who has been sent out to aid Penumbra in our quest request, alright?"

The group nodded. The screen changed and the Quest appeared before them.

"Penumbra is requesting you six to aid us in a high Bronze mission. This mission will be around a high-D, low C-rank in terms of monsters you\'ll potentially come across." Zane continued to explain. "Penumbra has requested your team to dispatch into the forest and aid our members in one of the large tunnels we\'ve secured."

"Oh, does it have to do with the Goblin invasion?" Olivia asked. Zane nodded.

"Yes, that\'s correct. We\'ve been given a couple of tunnels to explore. You\'ll be aiding other Guild members in exploring the tunnel. You\'ll only explore the first section of the tunnel. We\'ll fit you with all the equipment you will need while you\'re down there. Lights, rations, water, etc. Your job is to head to this specific cavern in the first zone. There were worker reports that Goblins are still working with Shifters to try to secure deeper tunnels into the City. Your job is to wipe out whatever is in that tunnel and safely guide the workers into sealing the area. Any questions so far?"

"Will the workers be coming down with us?" Manny asked.

"The workers will need to set up light paths. You\'ll have to slowly guide them as they set them up. Anymore?" Zane answered, opening up for more questions. He scanned the room. Lee Seng was shaking his head as he sipped his coffee. The others seemed to be all on the same page. "Alright, if that\'s that, let\'s get some preliminary paperwork done."

A screen popped up in front of the six individuals.

"Fill out the usual information. We have your preliminary information from the Academy, so you don\'t have to worry too much about needing specific information. We just want basic information from you all. This is to just make sure we\'re aware of students within our Guild ranks for this duration. If you do not show back up by tomorrow around this time, the Academy and the Guild will have to dispatch rescue to make sure you\'re okay."

The group nodded and filled the information out. Lee Seng finished his coffee and sighed in relief as he finished the general paperwork.

"After you\'re done, hit submit and wait. I\'m gonna pop out to finalize some stuff for your team." Zane told them.

"Alright." Liz nodded. Zane started out of the room, almost closing the door. He stopped and turned, opening the door.

"Do you guys have a team name? I saw you didn\'t put one down on the Academy sheet." Zane asked.

"Oh, well… We\'re still not sure…" Olivia looked around at the group.

"No, not yet. Maybe after this we\'ll think of one." Manny answered.

"Alright, I\'ll default your team name to be Zephyr for the duration, then." Zane informed them. They all nodded. Zane left the room and the group let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Why does it feel suffocating?" Ritsuka asked.

"Nerves?" Liz answered, unsure.

"We\'re doing a Guild quest for Penumbra!" Evan excitedly spoke. "We have good luck!"

"That just means we\'re going to be in it for a more questionable time." Manny pessimistically answered.

"This\'ll be good for whoever wants to join Penumbra." Olivia eyed Lee Seng. Lee Seng smiled and the others turned their attention onto him.

"So why did you take forever? Who were you talking to?" Manny started to interrogate him with questions. "I know this is your older brother\'s Guild, but I didn\'t think you\'d be so familiar with these people."

"Oh, Izzy?" Lee Seng raised his eyebrows like he was shocked. "What about her?"

"Why did she pull you aside?" Ritsuka raised his eyebrows. It looked like his teammates were interrogating him about how casual he was about it.

"What?" Lee Seng shrugged. "I come here enough to know people. Isabelle and Zane I see often."

"Huh. Zane acted so professional about it." Liz pointed out. "He didn\'t even personally greet you or anything."

"Zane\'s business first. Izzy just likes me." Lee Seng smiled. Manny gave Lee Seng a disgusted look before continuing typing away.

"You actually think that?" Evan asked, confused.

"No, he\'s being sarcastic." Manny answered. "If anything, she\'s perturbed by his presence." Lee Seng gave a big smile. "That\'s nothing to be proud about, Lee."

"It\'s a compliment to my ears." Lee Seng gavea bigger and more annoying smile.

"Alright, alright. Enough you two. Let\'s finish this and get ready to head out." Liz intervened. The door opened and Zane moved through the room.

"Alright, Team Zephyr. Everything is finalized. Once you\'re done inputting your information, I\'ll show you the reward for finishing the quest."

"We\'re getting paid for this, too?!?" Ritsuka said loudly as he stood up.

"Yes, we can\'t not pay someone for their services." Zane answered.

"Woah… This is the real deal."

Lee Seng tugged on Ritsuka\'s hand and pulled him back down to sit.

"Calm down. Act professional, rich boy." Lee Seng whispered. Ritsuka gulped and snapped out of it. "Finish your work." Lee Seng pointed. Ritsuka slowly nodded and continued his paperwork. Lee Seng glanced at Zane, noticing Zane giving him similar glances.

\'He probably wants to talk too, huh?\' Lee Seng guessed.

"Been awhile, Zane. How\'re things?" Lee Seng casually asked.

"They\'ve been well." Zane answered. There was a slight awkward pause. "It\'s been awhile since I\'ve seen you around. How are you doing these days?"

"Causing trouble, I guess." Lee Seng sarcastically answered. He turned and gave a small laugh. Zane nodded. "You don\'t have to be so uptight with me, Zane. They all think you\'re professional already." Lee Seng gave him a compliment.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Zane gave a small bow.

"As you can see, I\'m like this now." Lee Seng pointed at his ears and his tail. "And I got into the Academy."

"That\'s g-good." Zane smiled. "I knew you could get in. Your personality says alot about that." Zane chuckled. Lee Seng chuckled, nodding.

"Yeah, thanks. How\'s your leg? Doing better?"

"Oh, this?" Zane turned his right leg to the side. "It\'s doing way better. Thanks for your concern. Also, thanks for the hospital gift. The CEO said you got it for me when he came to visit. I was shocked someone from the Guild would give me something that great."

"Don\'t worry about it." Lee Seng smiled. "My brother thinks highly of you and you\'ve given some of your time to train me when my brother couldn\'t. Hopefully I can train with you soon with my powers."

"Mmm, I\'d like to see how much you\'ve grown, Troublemaker." The group finished and Zane cleared his throat. "Are all of you done?"

"Yes, sir." The group responded.

"Good, let\'s go over how much we\'re paying you for your services." The whiteboard screen changed and the details of the quest appeared on the board. "Just like I briefed beforehand, you\'ll be aiding us with one the First Zone tunnels. Your mission is to protect the workers as they set up station lights in the tunnels. You\'ll head to the zone where reports of Goblins and Shifters are and handle any monsters there. IF you come across a Shifter, please be wary. If you have to call for extra help by more experienced hands, that is fine. Your safety is our priority.

"Since we\'re classifying this as a Silver mission, you\'ll be getting paid the usual Silver amount. That\'s gonna be 72,000 for the team. You\'ll each get about 12,000 credits, each. Does that clear everything up?" Zane looked around the room.

"Yup, I think that\'s crystal clear." Manny nodded.

"Alright, if there\'s no more questions, follow me to the telepad you\'ll be using."

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